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01428 644473

Notes for Auditionees

You will see that several different parts use the same audition material and will be auditioned at the same time.

The reason is that many of the vocal ranges are very similar (eg the Uncles) so we have given them all the same music and lib to perform. 

As there are some 20 parts to audition, this method will save time and give candidates the opportunity to be considered for more than one part with one audition. The audition committee can then place you as we think best (and double-up if necessary). 

The Characters

Principal singing parts (*these parts have just one song in one scene so may be doubled up). Most of the principals have additional chorus roles.

Jane                            Just down from Uni, mother wants her to find a husband

Timothy                     Just down from Uni, family want him to get a job.  They think his uncles, who are well connected, will help

Fiona                           Friend of Jane, partners Nigel (Lord Danvers)

Nigel                           friend of Jane

*Father                      Timothy’s Father

Mother                      Timothy’s Mother

*Aunt Pru                 Timothy’s Aunt

Lady Raeburn          Jane’s mother

*Uncle Clam             Foreign Office

*Fosdyke                  Foreign Office assistant

*Uncle Zed               Has a space ship

*Asphynxia              Night Club singer

Principal non-singing parts

The Tramp                Owns the magical piano

PC Boot                      Policeman

Rowena                     Partner’s Boot

Inspector                  Police Inspector

Uncle Augustine     Minister of Pleasure and Pastimes

Principal non-singing, non-speaking parts

Troppo                       Takes care of the piano; male or female

Heloise                       Beauty salon

Assistant                   Beauty salon

Manicurist                Beauty salon

The Bishop               Dances to the piano

Electrode                  From a far-off planet, male or female

See below for audition pieces:

Audition pieces (Lib and songs for auditions are on the web site)

Characters                                                                     Lib

Jane/Fiona/Rowena/*Asphynxia           Lib                   p39 Nigel: Jane to p40 Nigel: Perhaps I could marry Minnie.

                                                                            Music            I sit in the Sun. From start to “… in clover”

                                                                            Dance            Short dance routine

Timothy/Nigel/Fosdyke                             Lib                   p3 Timothy: Jane! To p4 Timothy: Shall we be able to leave it behind? Into song

                                                                            Music            Wouldn’t look back, both parts, start to “…river in Spring”

                                                                            Dance            Short dance routine

Father/U Clam/U Zed/Manager             Lib                   p61 Timothy: Tell me Uncle Zed… to Timothy: …until we find Minnie.

                                                                            Music             Hush Hush Start to “…decipher the code, not even you. It’s Hush Hush

                                                                                                    and Cleopatra. Start to “..Pharaohs in the pyramids”

Mother/Lady Raeburn/Aunt Pru /*Asphynxia          p15 Act I Sc 4 to p16 …I can talk at the same time

                                                                            Music            Find yourself something to do, Bars 41 to 59

Troppo/Electrode                                        Lib                   p49 Act II Sc 4 to … anyone you suspected?

Heloise/Manicurist/Assistant                  Lib                   p17 Blood on the Moon to …one or two drinks

Tramp/U Augustine/Bishop                     Lib                   p53 Act II Sc 6 Start to … What a month it’s been

                                                                            Dance            Short dance routine

*Asphynxia can choose either audition